Lab Members
We’re thrilled to introduce our team of talented researchers.
Take a look at their stories below and get in touch if you have any questions.
Professor and Endowed Chair at the School of Molecular Cell Biology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Life Sciences and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Senior Staff

Tal Yehuda
Lab team management, knowledge management, financial planning, writing scientific reports and gathering scientific material
Post Doc

Yu Chen
His research is focused on solid-state optoelectrical applications of peptide-based nanomaterials

Lihi Gershon
Working on self-assembling metabolites and neurodegenerative, using both in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo
(C. elegans) methods

Vijayakanth Thangavel
Bio-piezoelectric energy harvesting; in wearable electronics, piezo-robotics, self-powered sensors and more

Om Shanker Tiwari
New Epitomes in the Self-assembly Avenues ThroughDiphenylalanine
(Phe-Phe) Motif Induced Nanostructures

Vijay Bhooshan Kumar
His research focuses on Self-assembly of amino acids, Self-assembly of PNA,
Hydrogel, Polymer, and more
Poulami Chakraborty
Exploring and evaluating aggregation-prone metabolite assemblies and their enzyme-like activity.
PhD Students

Noam Brown
I study the optical and electronic properties of metabolite and metalorganic crystals by combining experimental and computational approaches

Hanaa Adsi
Hanaa's research is focused on metabolite self-assembly in inborn error of metabolism disorders

Shai Zilberzwige
Synthetic biology tools simplify the engineering processes of genes, leading to novel opportunities to understand, diagnose,
and treat diseases

Shon Levkovich
His research aims to unravel 'Metabolostasis' -
the cellular mechanisms that allow cells to cope with aggregation-prone metabolites

Hui Yuan
Ph.D. candidate in the School of Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology at Xidian University and a visiting student
in the Gazit lab
MSc Students

Danielle Gazit
Danielle is using synthetic biology tools to encapsulate RNA nanostructures inside virus-like particles (VLPs)

Rahat Behl
Establishment of in vivo yeast
and C.elegans models for the genetic metabolic disorder, Maple Syrup Urine Disease

Shreya Sachdeva
The COVID-19 pandemic - Currently the most unmet medical need under Professor Ehud Gazit

Myra Gartner
General Research

Maayan Bauer

Maoz Lahav
General Research